Saturday, March 1, 2025

Waco Garden Calendar: March

A picture of beets.  I got this picture from Pixabay, as I never grew beets in Waco.

Below you will find a list suggested plant dates for March!

Instructions on seed packets will often say "plant after danger of frost." Well, ok, when is that? And how cold does it have to get for that frost to kill my plants?

Well, I looked it up on the Farmers Almanac and The National Garden Association and found that temps below 36°F are considered a danger zone, because colder temps higher up can cause frost to fall on plants below.   29°F to 32°F is considered a light freeze and will kill tender plants. 25°F to 28°F considered a moderate freeze is "destructive to most vegetation", and temps of 24°F or colder is a hard freeze and is even more destructive.  Past March 15 risk of a light freeze is lower, but if you want to be extra safe, you can wait until it's less likely to fall under 36°F at March 27.  Regardless, check the weather and don't plant if the weather is expected dip under 36°F that week.

Direct Seed/Use Sets:

(Bolded means last month to plant these this season.  If there is no dates listed, you can plant any time this month.  Asterisks * mean there is differences between guide recommendations, so check notes below).

Basil (after March 15)
Beans, Snap and Liana (after March 5) 
Beans, Lima (after March 15)
Beets (before Mar 15)*
Collards (until March 25)
Corn, sweet
Cucumber (after March 5-15 - guides differ)
Eggplant (after March 15)
Green Beans (see beans, snap)
Lettuce (leaf)
Mustard Greens
Peas, Southern
Potato, Andean (through March 15)
Swiss Chard (before March 10)**
Spinach (until March 15)
Squash, (Patti Pan, Yellow/summer, Zucchini, Winter)
Turnip**  (before March 10)
Watermelon (after March 15)

Plant Inside To Transplant Later:
(I only bold  things in this section that can't be planted directly, and this is the last month to start indoors to transplant)

Melon, Cantaloupe 
Melon, Spanish
Pumpkin (before March 16)
Squash (Patti Pan, Yellow, Zucchini, Winter) (before March 15)

Plant Seedlings or Transplants:
Broccoli (before March 16)
Cauliflower (before March 16)*
Cucumber (or direct seed after March 16)
Eggplant (after March 15)
Kale (before March 16)
-Kohlrabi (March 1-8)
Oregano (after March 23)
Lettuce, head (Before March 16)
Onion, bunching
Pepper (after March 15)
Squash, (Patti Pan, Yellow, Zucchini, Winter) (after March 15, or direct seed)
Swiss Chard (before March 16)
Thyme (after March 23)
Tomato** (after March 15)

*Guides differ on whether you can plant this month.   Waco Gardening guide says yes, but the Aggie guide says no.

**Guides differ on whether you can plant this month.   Aggie guide says yes, but Waco Gardening guide says no.

***The Central Texas Community Garden Manual says plant seeds indoors this month, and the other guides say wait until February or mid-March and plant directly.  I've put cilantro seeds out starting in January, so I think anytime in March you want to plant them is fine.  No need to wait.

The Aggie Spring Planting Guide (Used this from WayBack Machine since that page is down)Updated March 1, 2025

How to Grow Basil in Central Texas (Lettuce Grow Something)

The Central Texas Community Garden Manual
Texas A&M planting guide