Friday, August 3, 2018

Cave Unit: Day 5

This is part one of a Caves Unit Study intended to be done before (or after) visiting Inner Space Caverns or another cave.  

Day 5:  Section 7
The Rock Makers:  Pg 18 - 21

1.  Read Section 7, pg 18 - 21 of One Small Square - Caves. (Read sidebar after you've read and discussed the rest of the section)

Discussion Questions:
  • What cave formations do you find most interesting? 
  • EXPERIMENT FOLLOW UP:   If you did the stalactite experiment on day one, check on how it's grown,  talk about the progress made and how long it takes to form a stalactite.

Choose one or more of the following activities to do....

1. Do the sidebar activity on page 19 of One Small Square - Caves.

2. Do page 7 of the Junior Cavers Workbook  

3.  RESEARCH CAVE FORMATIONS:   Search the internet to find pictures of some or all of the types of cave formations listed below  (some are mentioned in this chapter, and others on page 31).   You can print out these pictures and glue them in your cave notebook, or draw pictures of them and label them.   (Alternatively, you can make a separate cave formation book...see activity 4). 

soda straws
dogtooth spar
cave coral
cave bubbles
cave bacon
cave pearls
gypsum crystals
cave butterflies

4.  Draw your own cave.  Decide what rock formations to put in it. Use page 31 or an internet search for help.  You can also use this cave book template to make your own cave book. 

5.   Explore the Virtual tour of Carlsbad Caverns, and see how many different types of cave formations you can spot. 

6.   Make your own 3-d cave.   Requires foam, toothpicks, wooden shish-kabob sticks, tissue paper, paper mache (look up recipe), and paint. 

7. EXPERIMENT:   If you have not done the experiment from Day 1, you could start it today.

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